Golden Pond Kindergarten students hosted their parents with a magical Fairy Tale Tea last week. This March 29th culminating event was the result of a busy...
The Parent Group’s Family Fun Night Out
A good time was had by all who attended the Golden Pond Parent Group’s 2nd annual Family Fun Night at Luv2Play on the evening of...
Golden Pond School is a unique school with a brain-based, themed curriculum. The classroom magic took over the lobby this February and exemplified why our...
Summer Camp registration begins February 1st!
It might be chilly outside, but we are planning a fantastic summer! GPS Summer Camp registration begins February 1st. Enroll before March 1st for a 5% early enrollment...
Open Houses and Information Sessions
GPS is currently enrolling for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years, and we recommend that all prospective parents visit Golden Pond School as the first...
GPS Kindergarten Field Trip to Washington D.C.!
The excitement was palpable as the charter bus crossed the Potomac and the children spotted the Washington Monument. The private tour of the Capital Building...
Holiday Shoppe
The annual GPS Holiday Shoppe by The Parent Group was a huge success this year! Our dedicated parents go above and beyond to create a...
Thanksgiving Feasts
Our annual Thanksgiving Feasts are a special memory for our GPS Families! Joyful singing, delicious food and spending quality time with families in the classrooms...
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The first Parent-Teacher conferences of the year happen in early November. This is an important conference because it is the first opportunity for parents to...