Golden Pond School is a unique school with a brain-based, themed curriculum. The classroom magic took over the lobby this February and exemplified why our families LOVE GPS!  

  • I LOVE GPS News was live from the Golden Pond School lobby! Children became the newscasters and broke the new of why they love GPS! A Dramatic Play station was set up with a print rich element highlighting what students and parents LOVE about GPS! (Themes, Parent Group, Teachers, Friends, Playgrounds, Fun, Duck)
  • The Junior Kindergarten class created a school bus and students pretended to drive classes to field trips, pick up students from local elementary schools for After School Enrichment and take children on great adventures!
  • Sensory Bins were set up representing impressive programs unique to GPS! The Specialty Programs sensory bin was filled with ducks = GPS, scarves = Music, paint brushes and mini-canvases = Art, maracas = Spanish and hearts = love for GPS! The Preschool Program sensory bin was filled with pet grooming and care taken from the 4s (Explorers) Pet theme. GPS is known for having over 100+ different themes in our brain-based curriculum!
  • Parents and children stepped up and voted with heart stickers for their GPS FAVORITE! Categories included Spring Sing (an annual musical performance at a local high school with child-made costumes and original songs – even one performed in Spanish!), GPS Art Show (a dazzling evening where the children’s masterpieces are creatively displayed throughout the school with interactive exhibits), Rain or Shine Car Line (Teachers walk children hand-in-hand into the school), Home Visits (Teachers visit students home and create a special project together before the start of the school year). It was a close vote!
  • Kindergarten classes learn about Simple Machines and creates an annual Simple Machine Expo. A pulley activity was a big hit with the students. They pulled baskets back and forth filled with ducks and hearts.  
  • Duck Feed (aka: Cheerios, Goldfish, pretzels and raisins) made by the Eagles Kindergarten – 3rd Grade After School Enrichment class was out for families to enjoy!
  • Love Notes to GPS teachers and administrators were displayed in the lobby pond! Parents and students wrote on large hearts and ducks and proudly displayed their love!