The Robins and Bluebirds have been busy experimenting with Simple Machines and are proud to display their hard work at The Simple Machine Expo today!...

New Families Open Registration for 2019-20 begins today!
Please Join us for a Group Tour of GPS! This Fall our Junior Kindergarten students are enjoying the classic children's book, The Doorbell Rang. The...

Amazing Athletes
Golden Pond School is dedicated to teaching the whole child, including physical education. Exercise helps a child's developing brain by stimulating brain growth and boosting...

Home Visits
GPS is a unique gem in Loudoun County. One of the many ways we stand out from other schools are Home Visits, special home teacher...

Teacher Training
You can feel the excitement in the halls during Teacher Training! Every August, Golden Pond School teachers, assistant teachers and administrators gather to set up...

Summer Camp at GPS!
Campers are having a blast at our uniquely themed camps this Summer. GPS provides a wonderful camp experience for children ages 2 1/2 - 9...

New Student Social
This month Golden Pond School hosted our annual New Student Social! This is our special way of welcoming all new students who are registered for...

Field Days!
Field Day at Golden Pond School is a big event and a student favorite! Elizabeth Dwyer, Operations Director, creates a memorable, school-wide extravaganza every year....

Kindergarten Readiness
At Golden Pond School we are often asked if children are ready for Kindergarten. There are important skills children need to have acquired prior to...