I have extreme admiration for your after school program. My son attends the extended school program in the Falcons class. He is extremely happy with the program and looks forward everyday to the Falcons class :). He even told us that he doesn’t want to go on summer vacation anywhere and even if we go anywhere, he must get back before the Golden Pond Summer Camp starts :). My son keeps talking about the great work he does at Golden Pond so now my second child keeps asking us all the time when he gets to go to the super school. We are enrolling my second child at Golden Pond for Junior Kindergarten program and Stay & Play. My kids have previously attended Accredited Montessori schools but I have never seen a KE and Extended Day program as wonderful as it is at Golden Pond. Thank you to everyone at Golden Pond for sending home a happy kid to us in the evenings!! You all do excellent work with the kids and deserve big kudos!!!!