Packing up for a summer vacation? Check out and share ways to make your car ride extra fun with our Golden Pond School Trip Tips!
- Can You Name?: 3 body parts, 3 animals with tails, 3 red things,
- Count Cars: by color (blue) and by type (truck)
- Sing: Nursery Rhymes and family favorites
- Pipe Cleaners: Make letters, numbers and people
- Can You Think Of: 2 BLUE foods?! Something tiny?! Something hot?!
- Follow the Leader: 2 hand claps, 3 shoulder shrugs, 1 eye blink
- Simon Says: Put Your Hand on Your Head
- Family Trivia: Who in your family likes to eat peas?
- Virtual Hide & Seek: “Hide” somewhere in your house and your family asks Yes or No questions to find you! Be any size you want!
- Unfortunately, Fortunately Story Telling – 1st Player: Fortunately, I met a fairy. 2nd Player: Unfortunately, she could not fly! Keep going until you tell a whole story – the sillier the better!
- Would You Rather?: Would you rather be a butterfly or a bee?!
- I Spy with my Little Eyes: Something blue, with 4 wheels, has small letters on it (car)