The Golden Pond Parent Group is a wonderful group of parents that create events that bring together the families and staff of Golden Pond School with the community. Events are planned at the monthly meetings and new ideas are always welcomed! The Parent Group runs the Lemonade and Cider stands, donation drives including food, clothing, coat and books and they even host a Family Fun night out at a local business. Parents organize Spirit Wear and create wonderful memories for our families like Art to Remember and The Holiday Shoppe. The Parent Group showers our appreciative staff with love and gifts during Teacher Appreciation Week. And of course – they bring those delicious Mom’s Pies to GPS every November!
The Parent Group always looks to support local charities and ways to teach children about giving back to the community. They have made a big impact working with Piece of the Pie charity. This charity was started by a GPS alum to benefit children in West Virginia and they are extremely grateful for the generosity of our families at Golden Pond School. So far this year GPS has donated 1,200 pieces of food and toiletries to them from our successful Thanksgiving Food drive! Thank you all for the donations.
This year the Parent Group has partnered with a new charity called Sensory Sundays. They are a non-profit agency mentoring, implementing and designing programs for sensory sensitive and special needs children. Glow Studio Hair Salon opens their doors one Sunday a month to make the children feel as comfortable as possible when doing a task that most of us take for granted. The $600 proceeds of the lemonade stand were donated to their efforts to raise awareness and include more salons.
The giving will continue this Spring! There will be a Spring Cleaning for a Cause event including a community service sorting day. The Parent Group will be collecting clothing, toiletries and toys. More information will be coming soon about this wonderful cause.
Family Fun Night is coming up, with a Pizza Party at Kidz Plaza this March! GPS families and staff are welcome. This is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with other parents while the children make new friends. More details will be coming soon about this fun event!
You can get involved in the Parent Group in many ways! Parents are encouraged to join the monthly breakfast meeting held the 3rd week of the month to hear about upcoming events and the different areas where volunteering is possible. If you are unable to attend the morning meetings there is plenty of things to be done at home, like Goodie Bags for Spring Sing and Holiday Shoppe gifts. Parents can help set up or run events, create Sign-up Genius links, take notes at the meeting, take photos – or find a role that work for your schedule and family.
“My favorite part of running the Parent Group has been meeting new people! It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with parents of children who are in different classes as well as meeting people who run the charities that we support. We can make a difference in our community and that’s a wonderful lesson to pass onto our children.” Melissa Cremins, Parent Group Chairman