Butterfly Launch

The annual Butterfly Launch was a success this year!

Preschoolers explored the Butterfly theme in their classrooms through engaging activities. The Explorers and 4s classes were given caterpillars and watched in awe as they transformed into a chrysalis. Over the next 10 days we saw the metamorphosis occur as they changed into beautiful butterflies!

A large school-wide caterpillar to butterfly transformation pavilion was placed in the front lobby for everyone to enjoy. On the last week of May we gathered to release our new butterflies. The always helpful Mrs. Culfogienis climbed into the tunnel to assist some shy butterflies who wanted to stay at GPS! I’m sure our new butterfly friends will be back to say hello!

“Hearing the parents and children oh and ahh over the lobby butterfly habitat is exciting. They see their curriculum  come alive before their eyes!” Ms. Lizzie Nicolai